Tuesday, July 19, 2005

We'll have a gay ol' tiiiime!!! © The Flintstones Theme Song

Why do women marry gay men? Let me rephrase that, why do women marry OBVIOUSLY gay men? Why would any straight man in his right mind put fake braids/locs/twists in his hair if he isn't doing a movie with M. Night Shyamalan or Quentin Tarantino, I see you Sam Jackson ;-).

This photo really takes the cake. Look at homeslice on the right like I know they aren't photographing me with this fake loc wearing fool!

Last week I purchased Neutrogena Acne Mark Fading Peel, but I didn't use it until today. It claims that after 8 weeks you should notice that dark marks caused by acne will be noticeably faded, it also claims that after three days tester saw results. I did notice that when I washed it off my skin felt very smooth, so that's a pro. The only con is that the smell is horrid. While wearing it I breathed through my mouth.

Why do people call you with NOTHING to say? I don't like speaking on the phone, it's something that I've never liked to do. If I do have something to say I can talk on the phone like a champ for a couple of hours, but that's rare. I think about 2 weeks ago I called ES to see how he was doing, he's in Miami and this was when the hurricane was supposed to hit. Well, we ended up talking for almost three hours, talking about various things, it was a good conversation. This fool MESSED it up by calling me the NEXT day! He's known me almost a year, doesn't he know my limits. Now if he wanted to call me the next day, then he should've spent an hour with me the previous day. I wasn't in the mood to talk, so I let him do the talking, while I ad libbed here and there. He then asks me what was wrong, he said it seemed like I didn't want to talk. Well DUH, you wasted all of your GE Anytime Minutes the previous day! I told him that I was tired, and he told me that whenever I had the chance to call...I haven't called, and I don't think I want to.

1 comment:

Butta said...

LOL re: Big Al's fakelocs. I first saw those pics last year and my friends and I had jokes for days.