Wednesday, July 13, 2005


My light breakfast consisted of three Eggo waffles covered in butter and syrup, dah well. I still plan on going to the gym this afternoon.

My dog bit the HELL out of me, this isn't the first time he's done this. My dog is evil. My slob of a father left chicken bones, wrapped in a greasy napkin somewhere. My dog found it and decided to eat them. My dog is very food protective, and when you try to take food from him...he'll try to rip you apart. I tried using pieces of turkey, he wouldn't drop the bones. My mother tried cheese, wouldn't drop the bones. I grabbed the back of his head and it loosened his grip on the bones. He went for my hands and arms and bit the living hell out of me, all while my mother is standing there like an ass. So I got him to release some more of the bones and instead of her moving the bones out of way while he's attacking me, she's still standing an ass.

Well, after crying in agony for a few minutes in my room I went to the living and beat his ass.

Sometimes I hate that fucking mutt.

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